
Monday 13 February 2012

Helpful instructions for Website Maintenance

In the current time, it is not wrong to say that websites have become the first medium of communication between the company and the clients. Somebody has correctly said “First Impression is the last Impression”. Whenever we need any product/ service, the first thing we do is to search for the concerned providers and visit their websites. If users do not find your website good and appealing enough , do you think that would they ever land back on your website ever! Or you think that once you made a attractive website and your task is over. Or you expect that once you are finished working on your website design, clients will automatically keep coming forever and ever and no more efforts are required on your element. On the contrary, we cannot deny that website maintenance is like

A liability for you as developer/owner forever till you desire your website to exist. Below we have listed seven
useful tips for Website maintenance that you have to follow no matter what:

 1) Restore your website with new content on a normal basis: We cannot reject the report that Content is said to be the king. While it is not the only factor for the success of your website but still very important. Keep review your static content for correction or update. In case you are managing a blog where you cannot alter the previous blogs or news content. In that case, you require to post new entries that will invite new comments and visitors. The rule and terms conditions pages also need to be updated for lawful issues. If there is any page including some kind of service contract or agreement about services then that also need to be updated, and all these activities should be done at normal interval of time.

2) Continuous test for Several Browser Compatibility of your Website: There are some normally used browsers like Firefox, IE, Google chrome, Opera, safari which are mostly used by people worldwide. You need to make sure that all aspect of your website plan is working in perfect order in all browsers. You may use Browser shot for viewing the screenshots of your website in several browsers and on multiple platform.

3) Keep a verify on broken links: You need to verify for broken links at regular interval of time. Broken links can earn a bad status for the company. The links which are not working or taking the visitors to some other undesirable place may irritate the users. Sometimes, it may happen that business which are linked to you have been shut down, so there is no point in keeping their link. So make a regular verify for all these kinds of annoying links and remove them.

4) Take care of the Speed: Patience is a virtue which almost everyone lacks. If your site is taking unnecessary time to load, then my friend, you are into the big problem "and" you need to do something about it with no wait. You may also use different tools for testing the loading speed of webpages like Yahoo! YSlow, Google Page Speed, Internet Explorer’s Page test etc. Minimize the number of graphics on all page. Do not use more than two animated links per page. This may resolve your loading problem.

5) Allow Users to network with you: Forever provide the users space to express their opinions or interact with you in the form of comments, feedbacks, trackbacks, suggestions etc. They might tell you some development, errors, bugs about your website designs that you can fix out later on. Incorporate this interaction in your website maintenance activity as you will be an advantage out of this. Always seek comments from people on social networking sites, design forums etc. Ask people to analysis your site. The positive and negative responses can help improving functionality and usability of your website design in the long run.

6) Create your website Search Engine Friendly: Well prepared, W3C compliance, pixel perfect and Semantic mark up will automatically make your website search engine friendly. Do other SEO practice, like adding meta descriptions, development on title tags, optimizing keyword phrase etc. This will help your website to gain high search engine ranking.

7) Website Analytics: It is very important to check your website analytics once in a day or two, to get updated about the figures of the visitors coming and the goal conversion. Lets say if visitors are coming to your website but the goal conversions are not taking place. Then you must be careful and analyze your website design. Place the effectual Call to Action buttons in the area of visibility of the readers. You can use the free tool by Google –Google Analytics for website analytics’ website is never finished. It is always in state of another more development. Creativity has no end. Leaving your site untouched after making it is good for nothing. Keep renew it regularly. Good Luck!!

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